Emergency 24/7 Plumbing Services and Repairs in Melbourne South East
Emergency Plumbing Services in Melbourne South East.Our phones are attended 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and we’re ready to respond when you need us most.Our services are Hot Water Unit Replacement or Repairs,Blocked Drains,Blocked Toilet and Tap Maintenance,Water Filtration Services,Leak Detection Services,Gas Appliances Servicing,Gas Fittings,Hot and Cold Water Services
One of the Customer was tempted to DIY underground water pipe on Saturday?
And he hired a oxy- acetylene set for welding underground squashed pipe, bought a hacksaw cut water pipe, the water was still sipping through so cannot weld. By 12 PM all the trade store closed down and called us. PlumbersNow professional plumber went on site used antifreeze to stop the water leaks and welded in half an hour and the job is done.
So you won’t regret it! All too often we’re called to emergency plumbing situations following a DIY plumbing attempt at home. That could be anything from trying to repair a hot water system to self-diagnosing a leak, Plumbing is no mean feat: in fact, it takes years for someone to gain the required education, experience, and qualifications to truly call themselves a licensed plumber.
Emergency plumbing from PlumbersNow
Our phones are attended 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and we’re ready to respond when you need us most. From nasty sewer back up to burst drains and every other plumbing emergency in between, we’ve got you covered!
Save our number in your phone; you never know when you’ll need us! Call us now: 1300 156 650.
Remember, if you or anyone around you is in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).
Emergency services include:
- Hot Water Unit Replacement or Repairs
- Blocked Drains
- Blocked Toilet and Tap Maintenance
- Water Filtration Services
- Leak Detection Services
- Gas Appliances Servicing
- Gas Fittings
- Hot and Cold Water Services
- Sewer and Storm Water Drainage
- Compressed Air Services
- Suction Line Services